
What is cord blood banking? Is it possible to do with surrogacy?

Being a parent is a wonderful experience. You’ll discover that there are new choices and considerations to make regarding your child’s health and welfare while you wait for their birth. It’s critical to comprehend the meaning and significance of cord blood banking in order to make an informed choice. The intended parents have the freedom to decide whether or not to preserve their child’s stem cells. There needs to be more clarity among intended parents regarding whether cord blood banking is possible with surrogacy. The answer is yes, whether you are having the baby naturally or through a surrogate, you can collect cord blood. In this blog, we will learn everything you need to know about cord blood banking.
What is Cord blood banking and why should you consider it?
What is the process of Cord blood banking?
Is cord blood banking possible with surrogacy?
Who makes the decision about banking the cord blood in surrogacy?
What is the cost of cord blood banking?

What is Cord blood banking and why should you consider it?

What is cord blood?

The blood that is left in the placenta and umbilical cord after a baby is born is known as cord blood. An abundance of hematopoietic stem cells, which can differentiate into red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets, are present in this blood. The immune and circulatory systems depend on hematopoietic stem cells to function properly.

The procedure of collecting and conserving the blood present in the placenta and umbilical cord following delivery is known as cord blood banking. Stem cells, which have the amazing capacity to differentiate into a wide variety of body tissues and cells, are abundant in this blood. Because cord blood stem cells can be used to treat a wide range of illnesses, including certain cancers, blood disorders, and immune system disorders, they are especially valuable. In order to bank cord blood, the blood from the placenta and umbilical cord must be extracted as soon as possible after childbirth and stored at extremely low temperatures.

There are two types of cord blood banking

Public Cord Blood Banking – In public cord blood banking, parents donate their baby’s cord blood to a public bank. Anybody in need of a stem cell transplant who matches is then able to receive this donated cord blood. The cord blood is kept in public banks at no cost, and it is added to a global registry that is available to doctors everywhere.

Private Cord Blood Banking – In private cord blood banking, parents pay a charge to have the cord blood of their infants drawn, processed, and kept in a secure location for the sole use of their family. The cord blood that has been stored is set aside for the family’s possible future medical needs.
It may be a good idea to think about cord blood banking for a number of reasons. To begin with, if the baby or a family member gets a serious illness that can be cured by stem cell therapy, these stem cells could literally save their lives. Furthermore, because cord blood stem cells are individualized, there is a lower chance of transplant rejection. Furthermore, neither the mother nor the child are at risk from the non-invasive, painless process of cord blood banking. By deciding to bank cord blood, parents are essentially purchasing a biological insurance policy and providing a priceless resource for future medical procedures and therapies.

What is the process of Cord blood banking?

Here is the step – by – step detailed process of cord blood banking,

Consent: Parents must make the decision about storing their child’s cord blood before the baby is born. Typically, they sign a consent form that the cord blood bank provides.

Selecting the type of cord blood banking: Parents have the option to bank their cord blood privately or publicly. While private banks only keep cord blood for the use of the donor family, public cord blood banks keep it for use by the general public. Public banking is typically free of charge, but private banking usually carries a fee.

Getting Ready for the Collection: Parents who choose to bank cord blood must notify their healthcare provider in advance of their decision. To guarantee appropriate collection and transportation protocols, the healthcare provider will collaborate with the selected cord blood bank.

Collecting Cord Blood: The remaining blood in the placenta and umbilical cord is collected after the baby is delivered and the cord is clamped and cut. The mother and child are not at risk during this painless procedure.

Transportation of cord blood: Once collected, the cord blood is packaged and sent to the cord blood bank. Time is of crucial importance during the transportation process to protect the stem cells.

Testing and Cryopreservation: The collected blood is processed at the cord blood bank to extract the stem cells from other constituents. Next, the stem cells undergo quality testing to make sure they are free of diseases and infections. After being examined and processed, the stem cells are frozen and kept at very low temperatures in liquid nitrogen. With the help of this cryopreservation technique, the cells can be kept viable for a long time.

Access to and Use of Storage: Secure facilities are used to store the cryopreserved cord blood units. Parents who use private cord blood banks normally have the choice to store their child’s cord blood for a set amount of time—many years, depending on the terms of the agreement. The family has the option to ask the cord blood bank to release the stored cord blood if it becomes necessary for medical treatment. Anybody in need of a stem cell transplant may be able to obtain the cord blood if it is kept in a public bank.

Is cord blood banking possible with surrogacy?

Yes, cord blood banking is possible with surrogacy. After the baby is delivered, the blood from the umbilical cord is collected and stored for later use in cord blood banking. Stem cells, which are abundant in this blood, can be used to treat a variety of illnesses, including blood disorders and some forms of cancer. Cord blood banking is still possible in surrogacy cases, in which an additional woman (the surrogate) carries and delivers the child on behalf of the intended parents. Coordination between the intended parents, the cord blood bank, and the surrogate is usually required for the procedure. All parties involved should confer and decide whether or not to bank cord blood.

It’s crucial to schedule a cord blood bank appointment well in advance of the baby’s arrival, and the hospital where the delivery will occur should be supplied with the required collection kit. To help with the collection process, the hospital’s medical staff—including the delivering physician and nurses—should be made aware of the cord blood banking plan. Remember that specifics can change based on the cord blood bank’s policies as well as the laws and rules of the nation or area where the surrogacy is being conducted. Thus, in order to guarantee a seamless and fruitful cord blood banking procedure in the given circumstances, it’s imperative to speak with the pertinent parties and ask the cord blood bank for advice.

Who makes the decision about banking the cord blood in surrogacy?

The intended parents’ (also known as commissioning parents’) and the surrogate mother’s agreement usually determine whether or not to bank cord blood in surrogates. As stated in the legal agreements or contracts made before the surrogacy process starts, the intended parents typically have the authority to make decisions about the pregnancy and the child’s health in a surrogacy arrangement.

It is typically the intended parents’ responsibility to make the necessary arrangements, such as selecting a cord blood bank and paying the associated fees, if they choose to bank the cord blood. After childbirth, cord blood banking involves collecting and preserving the blood from the umbilical cord. Since this blood is high in stem cells, it can be used to treat a variety of illnesses and diseases.

In a surrogacy arrangement, it’s critical that all parties communicate honestly and reach a consensus on critical decisions, such as those pertaining to the newborn’s health and medical procedures. The terms of the surrogacy contract and the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction where the surrogacy is taking place may affect the specifics of the decision-making process. Before moving forward with surrogacy, it is advised that all parties obtain legal counsel and expressly state their expectations in a binding contract.
Also consider this Everything you need to know about surrogacy contracts for more information

What is the cost of cord blood banking?

A number of variables, such as the service provider, the kind of storage (private or public), and any extra services provided, can affect the price of cord blood banking. Different countries may have varying costs and regulations associated with cord blood banking. If you are considering cord blood banking, it is recommended that you contact and speak with legal professionals in cord blood banking to get the most accurate information on their pricing and services.


In conclusion, cord blood banking is a useful and cutting-edge medical procedure that entails obtaining and preserving a baby’s umbilical cord blood for potential therapeutic applications. Because cord blood contains stem cells that may be used to treat a variety of illnesses and ailments, this procedure is essential. Furthermore, it is feasible to bank cord blood in the context of surrogacy. The biological parents may still choose to bank the cord blood in the event that a surrogate mother gives birth and gives birth to the child. This is done in case the child has future medical needs. This highlights the adaptability and inclusiveness of cord blood banking, guaranteeing that families who use surrogacy can benefit from its medicinal advantages as well. All things considered, cord blood banking is a proactive and progressive approach to healthcare that offers a vital resource for future medical discoveries and potentially life-saving therapies.
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