
Surrogacy in

Kazakhstan surrogacy is an ideal destination as it offers favourable surrogacy laws and affordable cost.

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Of Our Surrogates
Are Return Carriers

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Of Our Surrogates
Are Return Carriers

Surrogacy in Kazakhstan

As per research, in every 8 couples, 1 couple struggles with infertility and other reproductive issues worldwide. With the advancement in science and technology, medicine offers varied fertility treatments to complete families for couples and individuals. Though due to various complications, intended parents find it difficult to conceive, and that’s when they move to surrogacy. However, surrogacy can be confusing due to varied differences in surrogacy laws, as a lot of countries have banned or restricted practicing Gestational surrogacy. Nonetheless, Kazakhstan surrogacy is catered to fulfill your parenthood dreams.

The procedure of gestational surrogacy is a form of assisted reproductive technology (ART) and uses third-party reproduction i.e. a surrogate mother who gives consent to carry the baby to term. Though there are a few surrogacy requirements, that a surrogate mother must meet to witness a successful surrogacy journey. In addition, there are certain criteria or requirements for intended parents as well, they must qualify themselves to begin a surrogacy procedure in Kazakhstan.

Since the legislation of Kazakhstan offers favourable surrogacy laws and convenient surrogacy medical procedure, it attracts domestic and international intended parents to fulfill their dreams via Kazakhstan surrogacy. From surrogacy requirements, detailed Kazakhstan surrogacy laws and more factors would be discussed further for your understanding.
International surrogacy agency
International surrogacy agency

Surrogacy For Married Couples in Kazakhstan

Surrogacy in Kazakhstan is affordable for intended parents who are actively seeking to complete their families. In addition, the legislation of this country grants parental rights to intended parents right from the moment of conception, and the surrogate mother and her family do not have any parental relationship with the infant.

However, Kazakhstan permits the proceedings of surrogacy only to heterosexual married couples. In addition, self-egg donation or using an egg donor is permissible making the IVF surrogacy success rates higher for married couples. Kazakhstan is one of the fewest countries in the world that has the most advanced reproductive laws. And, the right to use assisted reproductive technology (ART) including third-party reproduction i.e. surrogacy is allowed to local and foreign citizens.

If you are a heterosexual married couple, looking for an affordable and convenient surrogacy treatment? Then Kazakhstan is the place for you! And, if regulations for tavelling back to your home country, or obtaining legal parental rights and a visa for a newborn is your concern, don’t worry our professional team assures you to offer complete legal support with thorough guidance.
International surrogacy agency

Transportation Facilities

The transportation facility in Kazakhstan is quite accessible, you can be relaxed when it comes to sightseeing or urgent hospital or fertility clinic visits. You can rely on different transport options like

Uber cabs

International Surrogacy Agency

Bus facilities

Rental cars

Global Star Surrogacy laws

Surrogacy Laws in Kazakhstan

What Kazakhstan Legislation States

Due to the favourable Kazakhstan surrogacy laws and provisions of Kazakhstan, many intended parents across the world, find this country a suitable surrogacy destination to conceive a healthy baby.
About marriage (matrimony) and family Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 26, 2011, No. 518-IV
Kazakhstan legislation protects the custody rights of the intended parents of the newborn child
The surrogate mother does not have legal rights to the custody of the newborn baby
Global Star Surrogacy laws
Surrogacy made simple!

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Incredible tourist spots in Kazakhstan

FAQs About Surrogacy in Kazakhstan

Yes, Kazakhstan surrogacy is legal and regulated by the Family Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Only gestational surrogacy is allowed in Kazakhstan. For intended parents looking for surrogacy services, Kazakhstan offers a viable option because it has established legal frameworks and regulations to regulate surrogacy arrangements. To protect the rights and obligations of all parties concerned, the legal aspects frequently involve intricate guidelines and processes. To navigate the unique legal environment surrounding surrogacy in Kazakhstan, it’s crucial to speak with professionals and legal experts like Global Star Surrogacy.
Who can use Kazakhstan surrogacy services?
Only heterosexual married couples can carry out surrogacy in Kazakhstan, heterosexual married couples with valid medical indications can opt for surrogacy. Kazakhstan is the best option for heterosexual married couples seeking a convenient and reasonably priced surrogacy procedure. If you are someone from the LGBT community you can opt for surrogacy in different countries with Global Star Surrogacy. Furthermore, you don’t need to worry about complicated procedures for returning home, obtaining legal parental rights, or getting a newborn visa—our expert Rekha at Global Star Surrogacy will provide you with comprehensive legal support and guidance.
Are there any criteria for a surrogate mother?
Yes, in Kazakhstan, there are usually requirements for surrogate mothers. The purpose of the eligibility requirements is to protect the intended child’s and the surrogate mother’s welfare. Intended parents regularly provide the agency with requirements, which may include details about age, health, previous pregnancy experience, and lifestyle preferences. A thorough screening process that includes psychological testing, physical exams, and background checks is applied to potential surrogates. The goal is to ensure that surrogates are both physically and psychologically prepared for the demands of serving as surrogates. If potential surrogates pass these tests, the agency matches intended parents with suitable surrogates based on suitability. The thorough selection procedure ensures the well-being and compatibility of all parties, leading to secure and successful surrogacy arrangements.

The criteria and requirements for surrogate mothers vary from person to person according to their unique conditions and specific fertility clinics. Don’t worry our professional team at Global Star Surrogacy will help you to ensure everything to complete your surrogacy journey as a surrogate mother.
Advantages of performing surrogacy in Kazakhstan?
In Kazakhstan, intended parents who are actively looking to complete their family can afford to pursue surrogacy. Advantages include the affordable price of the program, A supportive legal and cultural environment for Kazakhstan surrogacy, and access to modern and well-equipped medical facilities and fertility clinics. The country’s clear regulations provide a solid legal foundation for surrogacy arrangements, ensuring the rights of all parties involved, Kazakhstan’s environment and weather are favorable to carrying out surrogacy. Our expert Rekha strives to provide a healthy pregnancy while assisting intended parents through the difficult surrogacy process.
In surrogacy cases, how are parental rights established?
A court order is usually used to establish parental rights. To transfer parental rights from the surrogate to the intended parents, this procedure may entail court appearances and paperwork. Nevertheless, the legislation of this country grants parental rights to intended parents right from the moment of conception, and the surrogate mother and her family do not have any parental relationship with the infant. You don’t need to worry about all these legal intricacies as everything will be handled by our professional team at Global Star Surrogacy, which assures you to offer complete legal support with thorough guidance.
Cost of surrogacy in Kazakhstan?
The cost of surrogacy in Kazakhstan typically varies from person to person, so there cannot be an accurate estimation of the total cost of surrogacy. It’s crucial to keep in mind that the surrogacy procedure can be complicated and differ based on a person’s specific requirements, including the type of surrogacy being used any medical issues or local laws. The entire cost of surrogacy is made up of numerous small expenses such as IVF fees, medical procedures, legal fees, compensation for egg donors and surrogate mothers, prenatal and postpartum care, administrative fees and there can be additional fees for travel, lodging or any hidden charges for managing the surrogacy process. Speaking with legal and financial experts at Global Star Surrogacy with experience in surrogacy can help you receive a more accurate estimate of the total cost associated with the surrogacy process.
How can I be assured that the baby will be handed over by the surrogate after delivery?
Throughout the entire process, the surrogate has no parental rights over the child. The law in Kazakhstan is clear-cut, claiming that the intended parents have parental rights over the child. A legal agreement is signed between both parties before the commencement of the surrogacy process which states the intended parent as the legal parent from the start. Only after the baby is registered at your embassy overseas and a travel document is issued in the baby’s name will the surrogate mother receive the remaining payment. Rest assured the custody of the baby to the intended parent will be assured by our legal experts at Global Star Surrogacy.
Drafting a surrogacy contracts, getting court approval, obtaining a birth certificate and passport, exit and immigration procedures, and making sure all parties follow the law are all part of the legal process. Working closely with legal experts such as Global Star Surrogacy who are knowledgeable about Kazakhstan reproductive law is essential to navigating the particular legal requirements and procedures that apply to surrogacy arrangements.
Can same-sex couples pursue surrogacy in Kazakhstan?
No, Surrogacy in Kazakhstan is only allowed for heterosexual married couples, Kazakhstan does not explicitly allow surrogacy for same-sex couples. However, same-sex couples who are not able to opt for surrogacy in Kazakhstan can opt for surrogacy in different countries where surrogacy for same-sex couples is legal and laws are well established. Our expert Rekha will guide you throughout your journey.
Are there any requirements or after-birth procedures for prospective parents?
It might be necessary for the intended parents to finish some formalities, such as legal filings, and documentation, like establishing parental rights and getting a birth certificate, Passport, travel documentation, and exit and immigration procedures if the intended parents are from another country, all this is necessary to make sure the child is legally recognized. Global Star Surrogacy makes sure that all these requirements are fulfilled and handles all these procedures so that the intended parent can have a peaceful surrogacy journey.

Getting Started

Welcome to Global Star Surrogacy, where our mission is to enable every aspiring intended parent to become a parent. Our goal is to accompany you throughout your surrogacy journey by offering complete services that are both reasonable and accessible. We are aware that the surrogacy procedure can be time-consuming and difficult, and we want to make sure that you never lose hope while going through it.

We at Global Star Surrogacy are dedicated to providing steadfast support at every turn. We take care of everything, from managing the legal and logistical issues to offering top-notch medical care in our cutting-edge facilities. We also give our intended parents’ (IPs) emotional wellbeing a high priority throughout the process, but that’s not all.
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