
Surrogacy vs Adoption - Which is an ideal method to begin a family?

If you are struggling to conceive a child naturally, you do have a couple of treatment options to consider. Gone are the days when couples had to remain childless in case of infertility, today through advancements in medical science conceiving a baby isn’t a far-fetched dream. Though, if you face failure with several attempts at fertility treatments don’t worry hope is still there. You can contemplate and consider two effective and suitable options surrogacy and adoption. While intended parents research ways to expand their family often have this concern – surrogacy vs adoption which is an ideal option for me?

Well, surrogacy and adoption both are rewarding and successful options that allow intended parents to fulfill their dreams of completing families and embarking on the journey of parenthood. Often, people misunderstand that surrogacy and adoption are quite the same, well that’s not the case. Yes, both methods share a few similarities but it has a few differences that couples and individuals must take into consideration when you compare the offerings of surrogacy vs adoption.

Well, neither of the options is higher or better than the above, both have their challenges, complications, and benefits. It depends on the couple and family to determine their goals and expectations before researching or committing to the process. Every intended parent must consider all the factors relating to the process, legal matters after welcoming the baby home, and related things. Remember, whichever path you choose to begin your parenthood, you must research, connect with other parents who have walked on the road of a similar journey, and consult a professional or agency to get the right guidance and information.

Let us walk you through the differences and similarities of the process of surrogacy vs adoption journey, to simplify your decision process.
Is surrogacy the same as adoption?
How does the surrogacy journey work?
How does adoption work?
Intricate differences between adoption vs surrogacy to consider
Surrogacy vs adoption – Which method is an ideal option?

Is surrogacy the same as adoption?

When you look for the pros and cons of surrogacy vs adoption, you will realize there are a lot of similarities and differences these methods shares. But before you explore the process in depth you must be aware of basic jargon relating to adoption and surrogacy.

In adoption, potential parents are referred to as adoptive parents, whereas in surrogacy potential parents are named as intended parents whether you are single, married, unmarried, or gay couple. Additionally, in gestational surrogacy surrogate mother is also called a gestational carrier.

Though, whichever method you choose the end goal would be the same i.e to become parents and complete your family. The major difference between adoption and surrogacy is in gestational surrogacy intended parents would have a genetic or biological link with the baby i.e the baby would share the DNA of his or her parents, whereas in adoption, parents won’t have any biological link with the baby, the infant would share DNA of his or her birth parents.

The similarities between surrogacy vs adoption are both the process is time-consuming and tedious. And, both process demands screening and evaluation of parents to determine whether they are fit and capable to foster a child. To give you a short answer, no surrogacy and adoption are not the same they do have a few differences that intended parents must be aware of before commencing the journey.

How does the surrogacy journey work?

Ideally, it is recommended to work with an agency to have a hassle-free experience. An agency will determine your fertility condition and medical history. They will first perform a screening test of the intended parents to determine whether they are fit to proceed with the medical process.

Furthermore, would suggest you a suitable surrogacy program and depending on the quality of gamete materials would look for qualitative egg and or sperm donors (if needed) and retrieve their gamete material for the process. On the other hand, they will help you select the perfect surrogate mother who would carry your child for 9 months. Both donors and surrogates have to go through rigorous physical and psychological screening to make sure they are perfectly fit for the procedure.

Moving forward, the IVF process is conducted to create embryos and then it is transferred to the surrogate’s womb. Once she confirms pregnancy, she will continue with the pregnancy process like any other pregnant woman. Once the baby is born, the experienced attorney helps the intended parents obtain parental order i.e a process to change the parents’ names on the child’s birth certificate, and then the intended parents welcome their baby home. Usually, the surrogacy journey can take up to 12-24 months.

How does the adoption process work?

The adoption process includes adults fostering a child who is already conceived or born by someone who cannot nurture a baby effectively. Adoptive parents take the legal parent’s responsibility and embark on the journey of taking care of the baby and performing the role of parents as any birth parent does. Adoptive parents would welcome a baby to their family who isn’t biologically connected to them.

In adoption, the birth mother might bring a few challenges to adoptive parents and she decides whether to let adoptive parents be involved in her pregnancy journey or not. Usually, birth parents in adoption would take time to select a family and then trust them that they would nurture their baby exactly as they desired. But in a few cases, birth parents may struggle with emotional complications and might change their decision amid the process.

Though in recent years, a trend for open adoption is gaining some attention i.e birth parents can have contact with the baby and adoptive parents even after he or she is adopted. Though with the right guidance adoption can be a beautiful process, a child is getting shelter and unconditional love from parents.

A lot of prospective parents have concerns with surrogacy vs adoption cost, well comparatively, surrogacy is more expensive than adoption so for a few potential parents, this reason can influence them to choose adoption.

Differences between surrogacy vs adoption

Often potential parents have confusion between surrogacy and adoption like what are the differences between these two methods, and how can we determine which is the safer and ideal process to embark on the journey of parenthood?

We understand your concern, to simplify your research phase, we have listed below a few intricate differences for your better understanding.

Genetic relation in Surrogacy Vs Adoption

Gestational surrogacy allows intended parents to share a genetic relationship with their infant. The Surrogate won’t have any biological connection with the child she carries, through the IVF method embryos are created by using the gamete material of the intended parents and or donor. Furthermore, it is transferred into the surrogate’s uterus. This is one of the biggest reasons why intended parents choose surrogacy over adoption, as intended parents have a genetic link with the child hence their infant will carry the DNA of his or her parents and not the surrogate.

In adoption, the baby would have a biological connection with the birth mother, and not with adoptive parents. This can have legal and emotional implications in the process, unlike surrogacy. Most adoption cases happen with unplanned pregnancies which may lead to emotional complications for the birth mother.

Additionally having a biological link with the child makes the legal process easy and intended parents can have control over the surrogacy journey.

Surrogacy vs Adoption cost

Adoption and surrogacy both the methods involve multiple services and expert fees, treatment and agency fees, legal fees, medical costs,s and more. In surrogacy, usually, surrogates are compensated by the intended parents for their sacrifice, time, energy, and their selfless act.

In adoption, birth mothers can receive expenses from adoptive potential parents for their medical and other living expenses but asking for compensation is illegal for her to have monetary benefit from the process. On the other side, surrogacy involves intricate medical steps like creating embryos in a fertility clinic, and professional fees can make the surrogacy journey more expensive than adoption.

Furthermore, if you are choosing surrogacy you may not find enough financial options to budget the entire cost. For instance, there is no federal tax credit for the surrogacy process, unlike adoption. Though, if intended parents have qualitative gamete material then they can deduct the expenses of donor fees, IVF expenses and other medicines cost from the overall budget. Though, to balance your surrogacy budget a professional can help you plan through the correct financial options or you can seek guidance from parents who went through the process of surrogacy earlier.

So, to answer your concern, surrogacy vs adoption cost – surrogacy can be more expensive due to the medical procedure and the compensation to be given to your surrogate. But it can be worth giving a try as at the end of the process you are conceiving a genetically linked baby.

Legal process in Surrogacy Vs Adoption

The legal process for adoption and surrogacy varies, for instance in adoption potential parents must have written consent from birth parents and their rights must be terminated through a legal procedure after an infant is born. Whereas, in surrogacy legal contracts or agreements are signed before performing the embryo transfer procedure to make sure the intended parents obtain legal custody of their child once he or she is born.

Since the surrogate mother does not have genetic relation with the child she cannot have parental rights over him or her and nor she can change her mind and demand to nurture the baby, hence this process secures the parental rights of the intended parents surrogacy. Whereas the drawback of adoption is, the birth mother can change her mind and terminate the adoption contract with potential parents at any time.

Medical procedure in Surrogacy Vs Adoption

The surrogacy process involves a planned pregnancy with the consent of the intended parents surrogacy through the process of IVF. The intended mother or egg donors need to go through fertility medication to stimulate their eggs, once eggs are ready it is retrieved in an incubator. Meanwhile, the sperm sample of the intended father or sperm donor is collected in another container, and then both the gamete materials are mixed to create embryos.

Once embryos are ready, it is further transferred into the surrogate’s womb. On the other hand, before the process of embryo transfer, IVF specialists would make the surrogate undergo a few fertility medications to balance the menstrual cycle of the surrogate and the intended mother or donor to make the process hassle-free.

Comparatively, in adoption, there is no additional complicated medical process. Birth mother just needs to follow the rules and medications of the regular pregnancy journey.

Screening and prenatal care in Surrogacy Vs Adoption

As intended parents surrogacy, even surrogates need to undergo thorough and intensive physical and psychological screening tests. Throughout the process, the consumption of drugs, alcohol, and related substances are excluded. So, the intended parents surrogacy can be relaxed and assured that the surrogate is free from harmful substances and the baby is safe in her uterus.

Surrogacy agencies like Global Star Surrogacy ensure that the surrogate takes complete prenatal care, and the contract signed between the prospective surrogate and intended parents surrogacy includes provisions of prenatal care in the process.

Comparatively, in adoption, the screening of the birth mother isn’t thorough and intensive as followed in surrogacy. The birth mother may be asked to terminate the usage or consumption of drugs and alcohol by herself, and additionally, she may or may not choose to take prenatal care during her pregnancy.

Certainty in both the methods

While the adoption process may have some disruption in the process but in intended parents surrogacy are assured that there won’t be any uncertainty about who will have parental rights of the baby. And the surrogate mother is aware from the beginning that she is just carrying a baby for the intended parents and she won’t have legal parental rights over the child. Additionally, surrogacy pregnancy is planned, and the process involves security and certainty through the legal contract so there aren’t additional surprises at the end of the process for intended parents surrogacy.

Whereas, the adoptive families face uncertainty throughout the process due to the lack of commitment of the birth mother, uncertainty with her decision, lack of support of the birth father in the process, lack of prenatal care for the baby, and many more factors.

Matching process of surrogacy and adoption

In adoption, the potential parents or families get the chance to choose on criteria of adoption like substance exposure of birth parents, race, religion, medical history of birth parents, and related things. Though, in the end, it is up to the birth parents or mother whether they want the particular couple to raise their baby. So, potential parents don’t get any liberty in the matching process.

In the surrogacy process, the matching process is mutual. Generally, a surrogacy agency will present the intended parents’ profile of their shortlisted surrogate candidates and if these profiles meet the intended parent’s criteria, goals and expectations they can finalize the surrogate. If the surrogate shows the same positive interest then they will be matched. Furthermore, the agency will conduct an in-person or virtual meeting before they proceed with the process. Also, after performing a screening test on the surrogate, profiles are shared with the intended parents.

While potential parents for adoption may have to wait for months and at times years to find birth parents who are willing to accept them to hand over their baby. Whereas, in surrogacy, there are a lot of women willing to help intended parents – married couples, gay couples, or hopeful individuals to conceive a healthy baby.

Surrogacy vs adoption - Which method is an ideal option?

Surrogacy vs adoption both have their pros and cons, intended parents must initially determine their goals and expectations to decide on a preferable option. Both processes are time-consuming and include tedious processes. While adoption does not have a complicated procedure at the same time, it does not give legal certainty to potential parents, and a genetic link between potential parents and the baby, unlike surrogacy.

While surrogacy can be expensive and include complicated medical procedures but it assures you a biological link with the child and also at the end of the process you are guaranteed to obtain the child’s custody through the guidance of an attorney. Additionally, it contains high success rates compared to other fertility programs.

If you want to understand the guaranteed surrogacy program in detail, visit our website, or you can book our free consultation call to begin the conversation with our expert.
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