
Surrogacy With Your
Own Eggs

Surrogacy with own eggs involves implanting the intended mother's fertilized embryo into a gestational surrogate.

How Does The Surrogacy
With Own Eggs

Suffering from infertility can be quite a tedious journey. Are you an intended mother struggling with carrying pregnancy? We have a customized plan for you, wherein intended mother’s eggs are retrieved. Usually, we consult this program to the couples with multiple failed IVF cycles and to intended mothers who do not have uterus (genetic or surgical removal) or have a defected uterus via septum, bicornuate, arcuate, and other infections.

Surrogacy with own eggs program has helped quite a lot of Intended Parents to commence a family. You can rely on us with our complex-free procedure. Our expert team endeavors to transform a nerve-wrecking procedure into a simple and comforting journey. Your dreams and goals are our responsibility, we ensure you undergo the right medication and treatment in order to achieve your goal of parenthood. We connect with IVF specialists to get their guidance and perform right screening to obtain developed eggs with their expertise.

We practice IVF treatment by using your retrieved eggs and your spouse’s sperm, if needed a donor sperm. Proceeding towards embryo creation, the optimum one is sent for the transferring process with the surrogate mother. We, at Global Star Surrogacy examine the quality of embryos ensuring successful pregnancy and assist in finding the right gestational carrier for our every intended parent.

To know more about this problem, keep reading further the step by step description
surrogacy with own eggs
surrogacy with own eggs

Why Determining The
Right Surrogacy Program is Vital?

By the time any couple or individual considers surrogacy, they have already undergone multiple failures in various methods to conceive a baby. We understand your struggle with finance with emotions relating to commence a family. Hence, determining all the factors prior to initiating a surrogacy program is a must. A surrogacy can be a very long-drawn process and requires patience. If any IPs select a program that isn’t suitable for them may lead to a mental and emotional breakdown. To avoid such an intense situation, we consult a suitable surrogacy process to assist you create a life.

In the consultation call, our expert Rekha will ask and understand your medical condition, any previous opted treatment and medication, your citizenship, gender orientation in order to understand your preference and suggest you the right for the surrogacy process.

In the case of surrogacy with own eggs, you can consider a few questions while you connect with us for our consultation call in order to get 100% clarity in the primary stage. We do not keep any hindrance with our prospective Intended Parents, it is our duty to solve all your worries and doubts. Global Star Surrogacy understands your concern with this process, hence be free and ask as many questions you have.

Questions that Intended Parent must contemplate:
  • Is your agency experienced working with gay and single Intended Parents as well?
  • How do you connect or network with surrogate mothers and sperm/egg donors?
  • What kind of surrogacy do you offer?
  • What kind of surrogacy service would be suitable for me?
  • What is the procedure of surrogacy with own eggs ?
  • What does the surrogacy process with Global Star Surrogacy look like?
  • What is the average cost of surrogacy?
  • Do you provide legal assistance or support along the surrogacy program?
  • Do you have a network with donors or surrogate mothers with my intended country for surrogacy?
surrogacy programs
Ovary Stimulation
Prior to the egg donation process, the intended mother has to undergo a treatment to improve her ovulation, resulting in ovaries releasing more eggs for a successful process.
guaranteed surrogacy program
Matching with Gestational Surrogate
Preceding the embryo process, we match intended mother and surrogate mother’s cycle naturally or via induced medication before stimulation.
surrogacy program
Cryopreservation of Semen
Sperm of the intended father are frozen, in case he cannot visit the clinic frequently. As per the statistics, human sperm can be frozen successfully via cryopreservation technique for 24 years. Also, the fertilized embryos are kept frozen in case the cycle fails and demands the repetition for the conception of surrogate mother.
surrogacy programs
Egg Donation
It is performed under anesthesia and ultrasound guidance.
surrogacy programs usa
surrogacy programs
Fertilization Phase
The frozen or fresh sperm is mixed with the eggs in the incubator to perform fertilization procedure.
surrogacy programs
Embryo Transferring Process
The embryo transferring process involves placing a carefully selected embryo into the uterus during assisted reproductive treatments like IVF, fostering potential pregnancy.
surrogacy programs
Pregnancy Confirmation
Once an embryo is transferred successfully, the gestational surrogate has to take certain hormonal supplements like estrogen and progesterone and then she can carry on with her lifestyle essentials and wait for HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) results.
surrogacy programs
Sounds interesting? Well, this program can fulfill your dreams, you are just a few steps away from your parenting days!

How Is Surrogacy With Self Eggs Different From Other Surrogacy Programs?

Global Star Surrogacy is known for its successful rates with numerous surrogacies. We stand for our words, we ensure a safe journey that fulfills your dream of happy parenting. We are known for giving a comforting, hassle-free experience to our Intended Parents.
Surrogacy with own eggs permits Intended parents to utilize their retrieved egg with a suitable surrogate mother in order to accomplish a successful embryo creation and transfer. The only difference between self eggs and other surrogacy programs is that Intended parents have the liberty to use their eggs in the process. Whereas, in the other program IPs needs to find an egg donor with a qualitative egg and in some cases, sperm donor too is needed.

Cost For Surrogacy With Own Eggs

The surrogacy journey differs for every individual depending on the medical condition of the couple or individual, their needs, expectations, and the location they prefer. Surrogacy costs include certain factors like – surrogate mother’s compensation, medicinal expenses, attorney’s fees, other legal formalities, and egg/sperm donor fees .
If the Intended Parents wish to opt for international surrogacy then our attorney looks after the allowance of gestational surrogacy and surrogacy for single or gay IPs. Our surrogacy with our own eggs program, cost may differ in case of opting sperm donor.
Usually, surrogacy costs vary from country to country depending on the laws, compensation that a surrogate demands and other factors. If the surrogate mother is from a developed country then she might charge more and in the case of developing countries would charge less comparatively.

To get a better idea about the cost of this program, book our free consultation call now!

How is surrogacy with self eggs different from other surrogacy programs?

Global Star Surrogacy is known for its successful rates with numerous surrogacies. We stand for our words, we ensure a safe journey that fulfills your dream of happy parenting. We are known for giving a comforting, hassle-free experience to our Intended Parents.
Surrogacy with own eggs permits Intended parents to utilize their retrieved egg with a suitable surrogate mother in order to accomplish a successful embryo creation and transfer. The only difference between self eggs and other surrogacy programs is that Intended parents have the liberty to use their eggs in the process. Whereas, in the other program IPs needs to find an egg donor with a qualitative egg and in some cases, sperm donor too is needed.

Cost for surrogacy with own eggs

The surrogacy journey differs for every individual depending on the medical condition of the couple or individual, their needs, expectations, and the location they prefer. Surrogacy costs include certain factors like – surrogate mother’s compensation, medicinal expenses, attorney’s fees, other legal formalities, and egg/sperm donor fees .
If the Intended Parents wish to opt for international surrogacy then our attorney looks after the allowance of gestational surrogacy and surrogacy for single or gay IPs. Our surrogacy with our own eggs program, cost may differ in case of opting sperm donor.
Usually, surrogacy costs vary from country to country depending on the laws, compensation that a surrogate demands and other factors. If the surrogate mother is from a developed country then she might charge more and in the case of developing countries would charge less comparatively.

To get a better idea about the cost of this program, book our free consultation call now!

What differentiates your services from other agencies?

Global Star Surrogacy stands tall for its words. We have been working for over a decade to build a space that feels safe, comfortable, and hassle-free. Our proficient team members ensure complete research and details in order to proceed your successful surrogacy treatment.

We support you thoroughly by consulting you with the right services to provide you with 100% legal support to avoid complications. Our aim is to provide a one-stop solution for surrogacy to our Intended Parents, no IP shouldn’t be left unsatisfied – is our belief.

We aid in finding good donors to get qualitative eggs or sperm (if needed) accompanied by a suitable surrogate mother by considering your criteria and expectations with background, cultural history, and location preferences. We also share their profiles with our IPs in order to select the right options.

FAQs About Surrogacy With Own Eggs

What is surrogacy with own eggs?
Surrogacy with own eggs, also known as gestational surrogacy, is a reproductive arrangement where a woman carries a pregnancy for another person or couple. The intended parents provide the egg and sperm(or donor’s sperm), creating an embryo through in vitro fertilization. The fertilized embryo is then transferred to the surrogate’s uterus, where she carries the pregnancy to term. This method allows individuals or couples with fertility issues, medical conditions, or same-sex couples to have a biological connection to their child. It’s a complex and regulated process involving legal agreements, medical procedures, and emotional commitment.
Who typically considers Surrogacy with one's own eggs?
Surrogacy is often considered by couples facing fertility issues, medical conditions, or same-sex couples seeking a biological connection to their child. Infertility issues like recurrent pregnancy loss, diminished ovarian reserve, or uterine abnormalities may lead to surrogacy. Same-sex couples, heterosexual couples, and single women may opt for surrogacy with one partner providing the eggs. The decision to pursue surrogacy is often personal and involves considering medical, emotional, and legal factors. Ultimately, those choosing this path seek a fulfilling way to expand their families while maintaining a biological connection to their future baby.
How does the process of surrogacy work with own eggs?
Surrogacy with own eggs is a complex process that allows couples to have a biological connection with their child while overcoming fertility challenges. It begins with the intended mother undergoing ovarian stimulation to produce multiple eggs, which are retrieved through oocyte retrieval. The intended father’s sperm or donor sperm fertilizes the eggs in a laboratory, creating embryos. Once developed, embryos are transferred to the gestational surrogate’s uterus, which receives medical care and support throughout the pregnancy. The legal aspects of surrogacy are outlined in a surrogacy agreement. Advancements in reproductive technologies, such as preimplantation genetic testing, can screen embryos for genetic disorders before transfer. Collaboration between intended parents, surrogates, fertility specialists, and legal professionals is essential for successful surrogacy. Our expert Rekha at Global Star Surrogacy takes care of all the procedures with care and promises a stress-free surrogacy journey.
What role does the gestational surrogate play?
The gestational surrogate plays a crucial role in facilitating the intended parents’ dream of having a biological child by providing a nurturing environment for embryos conceived from the intended mother’s eggs and the intended father’s sperm. They undergo embryo transfer, commit to comprehensive prenatal care, and adhere to health protocols throughout the pregnancy. The surrogate also offers emotional support to the intended parents, recognizing the importance of the journey. Legal agreements outline the rights, responsibilities, and expectations of all parties involved. The surrogate fosters trust, empathy, and collaboration, culminating in the joyous moment of welcoming the newborn.
Are there age restrictions for the intended mother in surrogacy with her own eggs?
Age restrictions for intended mothers can vary based on fertility clinic policies and legal regulations. Clinics typically recommend women undergo fertility treatments before the mid to late 40s, as advanced maternal age can increase risks during pregnancy and childbirth, however under certain circumstances depending on your medical condition you can opt for surrogacy at your maternal age. However, individual circumstances, health factors, and regional laws can influence these age restrictions
Can surrogacy with own eggs be an option for single parents or same-sex couples?
Surrogacy with one’s own eggs is an option for single parents or same-sex couples, where the intended parent or parents may not be able to carry the pregnancy to term. For single parents, particularly single women, This process involves using the single parent’s eggs, fertilized with sperm,(either from a partner or donor) to create embryos that are transferred to the gestational surrogate’s uterus.

For same-sex couples, surrogacy with one partner’s eggs allows them to contribute genetically to the child. Surrogacy can be a viable and fulfilling option for those who wish to become parents. For more detailed information regarding this, book our free consultation call and get your doubts solved.
Surrogacy with one’s own eggs involves legal issues addressed through comprehensive agreements and adherence to jurisdictional frameworks. These agreements cover financial arrangements, medical decisions, communication during pregnancy, and legal parentage rights. They may also address compensation for the gestational surrogate, responsibilities in unforeseen circumstances, and parental rights after childbirth. Legal parentage may need to be established through court proceedings after childbirth, terminating the surrogate’s parental rights, and recognizing the intended parents as legal parents. Professional legal guidance is crucial to ensure all parties are protected and the surrogacy arrangement is in compliance with applicable laws. Global Star Surrogacy assures and handles all these legal issues, and supports to contribute to a smoother surrogacy journey.
Can multiple embryos be transferred to increase success rates in surrogacy with their own eggs?
Surrogacy with one’s own eggs can involve the transfer of multiple embryos to increase the chances of a successful pregnancy. This decision is based on factors such as the intended mother’s age and health, the quality of the embryos, and fertility specialist recommendations. However, transferring multiple embryos also increases the risk of multiple pregnancies, such as twins or triplets, which can lead to preterm birth and other complications. Fertility specialists weigh the benefits of increased success rates against the risks associated with multiple pregnancies. Advancements in assisted reproductive technologies, like preimplantation genetic testing, may also play a role in embryo selection. The decision on the number of embryos to transfer is collaboratively made between the intended parents and fertility specialists.
What is the cost of surrogacy with own eggs?
The cost of surrogacy with one’s own eggs is a complex financial decision that includes medical procedures like in vitro fertilization, surrogate matching, medical and legal coordination, and ongoing support. Legal fees cover contract drafting, parental rights establishment, and court proceedings. Compensation for the gestational surrogate, including her time, efforts, and physical toll, is also significant. Medical care, insurance coverage, and potential travel and accommodation expenses also contribute to the overall cost. The total expenditure for surrogacy with one’s own eggs can vary widely emphasizing the importance of clear communication, careful financial planning, and collaboration with reputable professionals.
How is the relationship between the intended parents and the gestational surrogate managed?
The surrogacy process involves a delicate partnership between intended parents and a gestational surrogate, based on trust and shared aspirations. Open communication is crucial, and a comprehensive legal agreement is drafted to outline rights, responsibilities, and financial aspects. The surrogate and intended parents form a unique bond, sharing in the process and participating in key moments. Establishing boundaries and respecting individual comfort levels is essential. Professional guidance from legal experts such as Rekha Suresh at Global Star Surrogacy helps manage conflicts and ensure a smooth journey. The ultimate goal is to create a positive environment where the surrogate feels appreciated and cared for, while the intended parents are actively involved. The success of surrogacy relies on this partnership’s strength, empathy, understanding, and commitment to the well-being of all involved.

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