
What is the Surrogacy Timeline?

A surrogate is a woman who consents to give birth or labor on behalf of another couple or individual who will become the child’s parent(s) after birth. A legal agreement frequently backs this arrangement. People may seek a surrogacy arrangement when a couple does not wish to carry a pregnancy themselves, when pregnancy is medically impossible, when pregnancy risks are dangerous for the intended mother, or when a single man or a male same-sex couple wishes to have a child.

It can involve a complex legal process to establish the parental rights of the intended parents and address any potential issues that may arise during the surrogacy journey.

An average surrogacy procedure might take anywhere between 1.5 and 2 years to complete from beginning to end. In order to bring a priceless life into the world, intended parents and surrogate moms go on a life-altering journey together through surrogacy. However, a lot of people who take this route frequently have questions regarding how long the surrogacy procedure takes. When you decide to opt for surrogacy, how long does it take you to hold your baby in your arms? Let’s examine the surrogacy timeline and clarify the many phases of this incredible adventure.
Surrogacy timeline for intended parents?
Surrogacy timeline for surrogate?
Guidelines for a successful surrogacy experience
FAQs regarding the time frame of the surrogacy process

Surrogacy timeline for intended parents?

Whether you are an intended parent or a surrogate mother, starting a surrogacy journey can involve a range of feelings, difficulties, and joys. The timelines for intended parents participating in surrogacy might change based on a number of variables, such as the particulars of the surrogacy agreement, applicable laws, and individual circumstances. The intended parent’s surrogacy timeline is summarized as follows:
Initial Decision Duration (1 to 3 months) – Examine surrogacy programs, organizations, and legal aspects. Study and research. Choosing to use surrogacy to expand your family is a significant decision. And as with other significant decisions, a thorough study is essential. It’s entirely personal time that you need to consider your options for starting a family and go through any difficult emotions you or your spouse may be experiencing.

Consultation and application Duration (1 – 3 weeks) – It’s best to arrange a free consultation with a respectable surrogacy organization before starting your surrogacy adventure. They will walk you through the surrogacy procedure, respond to your inquiries, and give you comprehensive details.

Matching Duration (8- 12 months) – Finding a qualified surrogate starts as soon as you join up with a surrogacy agency. The length of this phase varies depending on a number of variables, including your requirements and the availability of suitable surrogates. A more flexible set of choices might speed up the matching process, which could take as little as 8 to 12 months. Finding the ideal match could take longer, though, if you have particular requirements or preferences.

Screening Duration (1-2 months) – Both the intending parents and the surrogate go through psychological and medical testing. To ensure that the surrogate and intended parents are physically and mentally fit to undergo the surrogacy process several medical and psychological tests and screenings are taken.

Legal process Duration (3- 4 weeks) – Drafting and negotiating the gestational carrier contracts is the next stage. This important procedure makes sure that everyone knows exactly what their rights, obligations, and expectations are. These contracts usually take two to three weeks to finalize. The legal contract is drafted reviewed, and signed by both parties.

Embryo Transfer Cycle Duration (4-5 Weeks) – The clinic can start the embryo transfer cycle once the contracts have been satisfactorily negotiated and signed. Your surrogate will start taking medicine at this phase to get her body ready for the embryo transfer. The actual transfer usually takes place 4–5 weeks after your surrogate begins her prescribed regimen.

Pregnancy and delivery Duration (9 months) – The amazing journey of pregnancy should begin once the embryo transfer is successful. Throughout the entire pregnancy, the surrogate is observed. The duration of this procedure is 9 months. There may be established conditions for communication and interaction between intended parents and surrogates. Whether conceived naturally or through surrogacy, a pregnancy typically lasts nine months. So, at the conclusion of this time, if everything goes according to plan, you will be holding your newborn. If agreed upon, the intended parents may be present when the baby is born.

Post-birth legal procedures Duration(1- 3 months) – After the birth, the legal procedures pertaining to parental rights are completed. The intended parent’s names are obtained on the birth certificate.

Surrogacy timeline for surrogate?

The intended parent’s and surrogate’s individual circumstances, as well as the legal and medical prerequisites of the place where the surrogacy is being performed, can all affect how long a surrogacy takes. This is a brief summary of the schedule for the surrogacy procedure:
The initial phase timeline (1-3 weeks) – Research and understand family-building options and decide on surrogacy.

Consultation and application timeline ( 1-2 months) – Research and choose an agency you want to work with. Understand how your agency will help you in your surrogacy journey. Fill out the application form and sign the legal contract.

Matching and screening timeline (5- 6 months) – The agency helps intended parents find surrogates based on their unique situation and their requirements. After both parties meet and match surrogate needs to undergo medical screenings and fertility treatments (if needed).

Embryo transfer timeline (1-2 months) – The intended mother or, if used, an egg donor provides the eggs. Fertilization takes place in a lab. After the preparation of the embryo, it is transferred to the surrogate’s uterus. Sometimes success may take multiple attempts.

Pregnancy timeline (9 months) – After successful embryo transfer successful, the pregnancy journey starts. During this time surrogate attends regular prenatal check-ups. The surrogate and intended parents are in constant communication throughout the pregnancy.

Birth and post-birth legal procedures timeline (2-3 months)- The baby’s birth and parental rights are established by starting legal proceedings. The names of the intending parents are amended on birth certificates.

Guidelines for a Successful Surrogacy Experience

Starting a surrogacy journey can be a thrilling and emotionally challenging experience. The following advice can help guarantee a satisfying surrogacy experience:
Become Informed – Have a complete understanding of the surrogacy procedure. Find out about the emotional, physical, and legal ramifications of this. It might make the entire journey easier to navigate if you know what to expect.

Select the Correct Agency or Professionals – Do research and pick reputable surrogacy agencies or professionals if you are working with them. Verify if they have handled surrogacy agreements before and if their procedure is open and understandable.

Open Communication – Make sure you and your surrogacy partner(s) have honest, open communication. Talk about your hopes, worries, and any obstacles that may arise. Positive relationships and trust are fostered by open communication.

Seek legal advice – Consult with attorneys who focus on reproductive law. They can guide you through the complex legalities of surrogacy and make sure that all parties are safeguarded and all legal obligations are fulfilled.

Medical Support – Select a reliable fertility center and healthcare providers who have surrogacy experience. Make certain that every medical operation, including screenings, is carried out with precision and care.

Respect Boundaries – Work with your surrogate to set and uphold boundaries. Recognize and respect her independence and decisions. Respect for one another is essential for a successful surrogacy experience.

Financial Planning – Be ready for the costs associated with becoming a surrogate. Recognize the associated expenses, make a budget, and make plans appropriately. Verify that any financial arrangements are spelled out in detail in formal surrogacy contracts.

Regular Updates – Be aware of how the surrogacy process is going. Frequent updates from the agency, the surrogate, or medical specialists can allay concerns and ensure that all parties are informed. Celebrate Milestones – Commemorate significant turning points in the surrogacy process, like a fetal heartbeat, successful implantation, and ultrasound imaging. These festivities have the power to build fond memories and deepen the bonds between everybody involved.
Never forget that there is no one-size-fits-all strategy and that every surrogacy experience is different. In order to guarantee that everyone involved has a great surrogacy experience, flexibility, patience, and understanding are essential.

FAQs Regarding the Time Frame of the Surrogacy Process

How much time does it take to complete the surrogacy procedure?
The length of time needed for surrogacy can vary greatly based on a number of variables, including matching with a surrogate, medical criteria, and legal requirements. The surrogacy timeline and procedure can take anywhere between 12 and 24 months on average.
Which phases of the surrogacy process are crucial?
Initial consultations and evaluations, contracts, health checks, embryo transfers, pregnancy, and the legal procedures that follow childbirth are among the crucial phases. Every phase adds to the overall schedule.
How long does it take to find a surrogate mother?
Finding a suitable surrogate can take several months. The matching process involves screening potential surrogates, assessing compatibility, and ensuring that both parties are comfortable with the arrangement. For commercial surrogacy agencies like Global Star Surrogacy, it takes anywhere between 30 days – 2 years to find the surrogate. You get to quickly match with the surrogate and move forward with the procedure saving time.
What is the duration of the medical procedures involved in surrogacy?
In vitro fertilization (IVF) and embryo transfer are two medical procedures that usually require many months to complete. Depending on the fertility treatment plan, procedure success, and any consequences, the surrogacy timeline may change.
How long does the surrogacy legal process take?
Legal procedures can take from 12 to 18 months, including contract preparation and signing, getting court orders, and dealing with parental rights. To safeguard the interests of all parties concerned, compliance with all legal obligations is essential.


Surrogacy timelines, laws, and regulations differ greatly between nations and even within a nation’s regions. Surrogacy timelines might vary from location to place like Kazakhstan, Australia, and Surrogacy in the USA. Before taking this route, it’s critical for all parties to thoroughly analyze and comprehend the legal ramifications, medical requirements, and psychological effects of surrogacy. It’s crucial to remember that the real-time may differ from these broad estimates of deadlines. The total surrogacy timeline might be impacted by individual circumstances, medical results, and legal requirements. It is frequently advised to consult with legal, medical, and counseling experts who specialize in surrogacy.
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