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Global Star Surrogacy
Brings Hope to Gay
Intended Parents

With Global Star Surrogacy, you can experience a hassle-free surrogacy journey, We shape your dreams into a beautiful reality!

Global Star Surrogacy
Creating the Miracle of Parenthood for Gay Couples Around the World.

With Global Star Surrogacy, we understand the emotional journey to parenthood. Let us ease your worries and make your dreams a beautiful reality. Trust our caring and capable hands for a stress-free surrogacy process.

We're The Most Successful Surrogacy Agency
Making Parenthood Possible

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Birth Success Rate

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Gay IPs took their baby home

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Years of experience in Gay Surrogacy


Countries With

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Birth Success

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Gay IPs Took Their Baby Home

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Years of Experience
in Gay Surrogacy


Surrogacy Clinics in More Than 70 Countries

A Heartwarming Surrogacy Journey
Of Gay Parents

Meet the amazing couple who trusted Global Star Surrogacy with their dream of becoming parents
In our surrogacy journey, Rekha was our unwavering anchor. Her compassion and calm demeanor carried us through each step. From our first venture into parenthood to the final moment we held our baby, she was there. Together, we searched for surrogates, chose a donor, and navigated the intricate process of embryo transfer and pregnancy testing. Rekha, miles away, shared sonograms and medical updates in real-time. Day or night, her support was just a call away. She also expertly guided us through the legalities, from government consulates to local paperwork, securing an exit visa for our baby. As a mother herself, Rekha humanized this journey, earning our trust with every step.

Why Choose Global Star Surrogacy
For Your Surrogacy Journey?

  • We are a leading and affordable surrogacy agency, and for the past 16+ years, we have been helping our Gay IPs dreams come true.
  • We have helped more than 200 Gay Intended Parents take their child safely to their homes.
  • We are experts in international surrogacy, partnered with surrogacy clinics in more than 70 countries, and help International Gay intended parents begin their journey overseas.
  • We have a surrogacy program called ‘Surrogacy with 2 Surrogate Mothers’ dedicated to gay couples who wish to have 2 genetic children, each linked to one partner.
  • 40-45% of our Gay IPs choose our ‘Surrogacy with 2 Surrogate Mothers program.
  • We assign you a dedicated person (a surrogacy expert) who will be there with you throughout your surrogacy journey.

What Our
Client Says

Here are some of the insightful testimonials of the experiences of gay couples, on their surrogacy journey who decided to start families with us.

Frequently Asked Questions About Gay Surrogacy

After years of experience working with LGBTQ+ families, We have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions by prospective gay parents.
Gestational surrogacy, another name for gay surrogacy, is an assisted reproductive technique in which a gestational surrogate bears a child on behalf of a homosexual couple. The surrogate, who is not the child's genetic relative, carries the embryo made from an egg donated by an egg donor or the sperm of one of the intended fathers.
Different countries and even different regions within a country have different laws regarding gay surrogacy. Certain states may have laws that specifically encourage surrogacy for LGBTQ+ people and couples, while other states may have prohibitions or limits. It's critical to learn about and comprehend the surrogacy laws in the selected area.
The cost of gay surrogacy can vary widely depending on several factors, including the chosen surrogacy destination, medical procedures involved, and legal considerations. On average, gay surrogacy may range from $90,000 to $150,000 or more. This encompasses expenses such as surrogate compensation, medical procedures, legal fees, and agency costs.
Health checks are performed on gestational carriers, both mentally and physically. Infectious diseases and gynecologic health related to the uterus are tested for in women. We complete psychological counseling with our mental health specialists to ensure that the gestational carrier is aware of the procedure. When you are almost ready to sign with your gestational carrier, you might need to do a home study and background check.
Certain nations may have laws that limit a parent's ability to choose a child's gender for reasons other than health. Nonetheless, gender selection may be used in IVF treatments in locations where it is permitted. Prospective parents should research the moral and legal requirements in the area they have selected.

To get your medical reports evaluated for free book your free consultation with Global Star Surrogacy now!

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